"i am an imposter octopus"
My boyfriend is probably one of the last people on this earth to still have a tape player in his car. This is a wonderful thing because it allows me to engage in one of my favorite stress relievers/time wasters; mix taping.
Now, why, in this day and age, where one can simply drag mp3's into iTunes and hit "burn cd" do I allow myself the stress of having to get up and hit stop every time I want to switch to a different song, of having to make sure the volume is adequate...."leave your own argument for cds vs. tapes here".....?
Well, I already stated the first reason. My boyfriend has a tape player in his car. I don't think I need to go into how dismal the radio is these days, so we'll pass that and assume it's a given.
Also, I don't find the intricacies involved in making the perfect tape stressful. If anything, I find all of those little details relaxing.
So, today, I finished the fourth (or fifth?) tape in a series of tapes that have found themselves strewn about Matt's car. Here is the setlist for your viewing pleasure.

Later, I'll post some scans of the tape and the artwork. Till then, share with me your setlists....whether it be for cds or tapes or iTunes. Why did you make the _______? And most importantly, did creating it help you to relax?
Now, why, in this day and age, where one can simply drag mp3's into iTunes and hit "burn cd" do I allow myself the stress of having to get up and hit stop every time I want to switch to a different song, of having to make sure the volume is adequate...."leave your own argument for cds vs. tapes here".....?
Well, I already stated the first reason. My boyfriend has a tape player in his car. I don't think I need to go into how dismal the radio is these days, so we'll pass that and assume it's a given.
Also, I don't find the intricacies involved in making the perfect tape stressful. If anything, I find all of those little details relaxing.
So, today, I finished the fourth (or fifth?) tape in a series of tapes that have found themselves strewn about Matt's car. Here is the setlist for your viewing pleasure.

Later, I'll post some scans of the tape and the artwork. Till then, share with me your setlists....whether it be for cds or tapes or iTunes. Why did you make the _______? And most importantly, did creating it help you to relax?